Sense Powers

Beast Languages
Difficulty: Easy if the animal is domesticated/friendly (such as a bantha); Moderate to Difficult if the animal is wild, but non-predatory (such as an undomesticated tauntaun); Very Difficult to Heroic if the animal is ferocious/predatory (such as a wild rancor).
This power can be kept up.
Required Powers: Receptive telepathy, projective telepathy, and translation
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to translate a beast-language and speak it. As creatures rarely have "true" languages, the Jedi is actually reading emotional differences within grunts and growls and their cues of body language.

"Fnrrg! Gnrrarrg snnrruff snrooo!"
-Tott Doneeta

Combat Sense
Difficulty: Moderate for one opponent; Difficult for two opponents; Very Difficult for three opponents; Heroic for four or above.
Required Power: Danger Sense, Life Detection
Effect: This power helps a Jedi focus on the battle at hand. Everything else becomes dulled and muted as the Jedi's senses are all turned toward the combat occurring around him or her. All targets become mentally highlighted in the Jedi's mind, enhancing his or her ability to attack and defend.

Danger Sense
Difficulty: Moderate
Required Power: Life Detection
This power can be kept up.
Effect: Allows a Jedi to extend his or her senses around him or herself like protective sensors, creating an early warning system for as long as the power remains in effect. It allows the Jedi to detect any attacks before they are made, giving him or her enough time to decide how to react to the danger.

Life Detection
Difficulty: Very Easy if the Subject has Force skills or is Force-sensitive; Moderate if not.
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This power allows Jedi to detect live beings that might otherwise remain hidden. When the power is activated, the Jedi knows the location of all beings within 10 meters - if the power is kept "up," the Jedi may know whenever a being approaches within 10 meters of them.

Life Sense
Difficulty: Very Easy
This power may be kept up to track a target.
Effect: The user can sense the presence and identity of a specific person for whom he or she searches. The user can sense how badly wounded, diseased or otherwise physically disturbed the target is.

Life Web
Difficulty: Easy for a population in billions; Moderate for a population in hundreds of millions; Difficult for a population in tens of millions; Very Difficult for a population in millions; Heroic for a population in hundreds of thousands.
Note: The Force user must choose one specific species as a specialization.
Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, and Sense Force.
Effect: This power is used to detect large concentrations of members of a specific species, such as humans, Rodians, or Chadra-Fan. When the power is used successfully, the users sense the general direction toward the population. This power may not be used to detect populations smaller than 100,000 individuals. This power requires at least two days of continuous concentration.

Magnify Sense
Difficulty: Very Easy
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to increase the effectiveness of his or her normal senses to perceive things that otherwise would be impossible without artificial aids like sight, taste, touch, hearing and smell.

Difficulty: Easy if seeing less than two hours into the past; Moderate for seeing more than two hours but less than a week into the past; Difficult for seeing more than a week but less than six months into the past; Very Difficult for seeing more than six months but less than a year into the past; Heroic for seeing more than a year but less than two years into the past.
Required Powers: Hibernation trance, Life Detection, Sense Force.
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to investigate the tenuous imprints of the Force left on objects when they are handled by living being. The character must be able to handle the target object. The Jedi can determine who has handled or touched the object and what events have transpired around it. The Jedi may "search" for specific incidents or simply review past events.

Receptive Telepathy
Difficulty: Very Easy for friendly, non-resisting targets; Very Difficult for a hostile, resisting targets.
Required Powers: Life Detection, Life sense
This power may be kept up if the target is willing.
Effect: Allows a Jedi to read the surface thoughts and emotions of the target. The Jedi "hears" what the target is thinking, but cannot probe for deeper information. A Jedi can read the minds of more than one person at a time. This power may be used on creatures and other beings, although it cannot be used on droids.

"Sister! So, you have a twin sister. Your thoughts betray her too."
-Darth Vader

Sense Force
Difficulty: Moderate for an area; Difficult for sensing details or specific objects within the area.
Effect: This power is used to sense the ambient Force within a place. It cannot be used to specifically detect sentient beings. Sense Force will tell a character the rough magnitude of the Force in an area of object, the rough type and quantity of life forms and whether the area or object tends towards the dark side or light. An area rich in negative or positive energies may indicate past events or the activities of past inhabitants.

"There's something not right here. I feel cold, death."
"That strong with the dark side of the Force."
-Master Yoda and Luke

Sense Force Potential
Difficulty: Moderate for friendly, non-resisting targets; Very Difficult for hostile, resisting targets.
Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, and Sense Force
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to probe the mind of a target, and determine whether that person has the potential to be strong in the Force. The deep subconscious of a Force-sensitive person is shielded by a protective barrier, which prevents another Force wielder from penetrating his or her inner mind. This shield pushes violently back at an intruder, sending him or her stumbling back. The "shield" is an involuntary defense mechanism maintained by every Force-sensitive person. The magnitude of the backlash generated by the shield depends on the character's strength in the Force. A person who is merely Force-sensitive will shove the intruder back by a meter. Those with little training will send the intruder reeling back across the room. Someone who is well trained, or who has a great deal of raw talent in the force, might hurl an intruder across the room.

Sense Path
Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Emptiness, Hibernation Trance.
This power can be kept up.
Effect: This power informs a character of the "path" he travels: whether his or her current actions are likely to lead him or her to the dark side, and whether any specified future actions are likely to do so.

Shift Sense
Difficulty: Moderate for simple phenomena ( such as head or simple scents ); Difficult for more uncommon phenomena ( such as comm. frequencies, infrared radiation ); Very Difficult for specific, complex phenomena ( such as setting olfactory nerves to detect the presence of Tibanna gas ).
This power can be kept up.
Required Power: Magnify Senses
Effect: The character may shift his or her senses as to detect phenomena of a different type than normal; shifting eyesight to the infrared spectrum, setting olfactory nerves to detect specific chemical combinations, or hearing frequencies above or below normal range for his or her species. A Jedi may detect comm. frequencies, but that does not mean that Jedi can listen in on the transmission.

Difficulty: Moderate for humans or aliens, Difficult for droids.
This power can be kept up.
Required Powers: Receptive Telepathy, Projective Telepathy.
Effect: This power allows the character to translate a language and speak it in kind. The Jedi may decipher body language, explore the spoken word, or translate ancient Sith texts. The character must first hear the target speak, or see the words written form. That character does not really know the language. Once this power is no longer in use, the Jedi is again unable to decipher the target language.

Weather Sense
Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi has lived in the area for more than a year; Moderate if the Jedi has lived in the area between six and twelve months; Difficult if the Jedi has lived in the area between one and six months; Very Difficult if the Jedi has lived in the area less than one month.
Required Powers: Magnify Senses
This power can be kept up.
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to attune himself to the workings of local weather patterns. By sensing the movements of clouds, winds, tides, and solar bodies, he can discern patterns in the weather, and so make limited predictions regarding the behavior of atmospheric phenomenon.

Alter Powers

Bolt of Hatred
Difficulty: Moderate
Warning: Anyone who uses the power will most likely be embraced by the dark side.
Effect: The Force-user creates in his or her hand a radiant sphere of pure hatred which he or she can hurl at any target within his or her line of sight. The bolt is slower than a normal bolt from a blaster. The stronger the Force-user, the more powerful the Bolt of Hatred is, the slower the bolt travels towards it's destination. If a character is hit square in the chest or the head with a Bolt of Hatred without bringing up a defense, he or she will die instantly.

Dark Side Web
Difficulty: Difficult
Warning: Any character that uses this power will most likely be embraced by the dark side.
This power can be kept up.
Effect: The power summons strands of dark side power that wrap around the Force-user's target, ensnaring him or her in a mesh of dark brilliance. The lattice of energy severs the connection between the Force and the trapped individual and saps the strength from his or her body. The more the character is trapped within the power, the weaker he or she becomes.

Difficulty: Difficult to injure; Very Difficult to Kill.
Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense.
Warning: A character that uses this power will most likely be embraced by the dark side.
Effect: An attacker must be touching the target to use this power. When this power is activated, the user will inject the defending character with a surge of dark side power that can cripple bodily functions or even kill.

Difficulty: Very Easy for very small objects; Easy for small objects; Moderate for medium objects; Difficult for large objects; Very Difficult for very large objects; Heroic for anything larger.
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to levitate and move objects with the power of his of her mind alone. If used successfully, the object moves as the Jedi desires. A Jedi can levitate several objects simultaneously, but each additional object requires a new action line. This power can be used to levitate oneself or others. It can be used as a primitive space drive in emergencies. This power can also be used to attack other characters, but this will most likely cause the Jedi to be embraced by the dark side.

Control And Sense Powers

Difficulty: Very Easy
Required Power: Life Sense
Effect: The user sees the person or place he wishes to see in his mind as the situation currently exists. The power can also be used to see the past or the future. The Jedi also sees the immediate surroundings, and so can know, for example, when a friend is in danger, or what has happened to his home planet in his absence. The past and present are set and it is merely a meter of the Jedi having correct perceptions. However, the future is always fluid, always in motion, never set until it becomes the present; therefore, it is much harder to predict. Of course, since the future is so fluid, things are always subject to change.

"Through the Force, things will you see. Other places. The future...the past."
-Master Yoda

Life Bond
Difficulty: See Below
Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, and Receptive Telepathy.
This power can be kept up.
Effect: A Jedi character may choose this power to permanently form a mental link with one other individual, normally a mate. On an Easy difficulty, the Force-user is aware of the other's general location and general emotional state: whether the person is frightened, in pain, injured, happy, or experiencing some other strong emotion. On a Moderate difficulty, the Force-user experiences the other's senses: he or she sees through the other's eyes, hears what the other hears, and smells, tastes and feels what the other person is experiencing. Both characters share pain, and if one character is injured, the other character suffers an injury on level lower. ( If one character is mortally wounded, the life-bonded character is incapacitated. )On a Difficult difficulty, the Force-user is considered telepathically linked to the life bond partner and can read the surface thoughts of the other if the other is willing to share those thoughts. On a Very Difficult difficulty, the Force-user can send thoughts to the life-bonded partner, allowing the characters to carry on a telepathic conversation. As an added benefit, the two characters can have premonitions about each other: for example, if one character is severely injured, his or her life bond partner will sense that something bad has happened.
Life-bonded characters may not share skills or attributes. However, since the characters do have such a close bond, the actions of one can affect the other. If a life-bonded character commits an evil action, the Jedi partner will be more likely to turn to the dark side. Life bonding is a exceedingly serious commitment, and should not be taken lightly. Both characters must agree to the life bond for the power to work and a character may only life bond with one other individual. Death is the only means of severing the life bond. If one member of a life-bonded couple is killed, the surviving partner enters a near-catatonic state of shock for about a week and may die.

Lightsaber Combat
Difficulty: Moderate
This power may be kept up.
Effect: Jedi use this power to wield this elegant but difficult-to-control weapon while also sensing their opponents' actions through the Force. This works much like Danger Sense but with the added bonus of being able to control the lightsaber. The Jedi's weapon becomes part of his or her body with this ability, causing him or her to be able to resist any attempts of Force abilities against the weapon like Telekinesis. The Jedi may also attempt to control where deflected blaster bolts go, although this counts as an additional action.

"This little one is not worth the effort."

Projective Telepathy
Difficulty: Very Easy; Moderate if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts he or she is transmitting ( if he or she is gagged or doesn't want to make a sound. ); Difficult if the target resists.
Required Powers: Life Detection, Life Sense, and Receptive Telepathy.
Effect: If the Jedi successfully projects his or her thoughts, the target "hears" and "feels" his or her emotions. The Jedi can only broadcast feelings, emotions and perhaps a couple of words. This power cannot be used to send sentences or to hold conversations. The target understands that the thoughts and feelings he or she is experiencing are not his or her own and that they belong to the user of the power. If the Jedi doesn't "verbally" identify him or herself, the target doesn't know who is projecting the thoughts. This power can only be used to communicate with other minds, not control them.

"Join me. It is your destiny."
"Ben...why didn't you tell me?"
-Darth Vader and Luke

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