Force Rules

"You must unlearn what you have learned."

Continuing powers

There are some powers that can be kept "up". This means that as long as the Jedi is able to continue concentration upon the power, it can be maintained until the Jedi ceases the continuation of the power.


Before using the Force, a Jedi must be one with it. This calls for clearing the mind of all thoughts and concentrating upon the peace inside. Only in this way can a Jedi be fully able to call upon the Force to aid in danger or in need.
If one is a Dark Jedi, he or she will need to call upon the dark side of the Force to aid in danger or in need. A Dark Jedi does this by focusing on hate, anger or fear to fuel their need to be one with the Force.
If one is a Sith he or she will need to call upon the Sith to aid in danger or in need. A Sith does this by focusing on the Sith with rage.
Either a Dark Jedi or a Sith can command the Force to do his or her will without the need to be angry or to be in rage.
After one with the Force (either a Jedi, Dark Jedi or Sith) uses three Force abilities, even if he or she uses the same one three times, another concentration is needed to continue to be connected to the Force.

Combined Abilities

A Jedi is able to keep up more than one Force ability at a time. This takes great skill and confidence. It would be wise for the Jedi to use two "kept up" abilities instead of two that can only be used once. If a Jedi wishes to use more than one he or she must first concentrate upon the Force to use the first ability. After concentration, the Jedi can bring up the first ability. Unless that was the third ability used recently the Jedi does not have to concentrate again to use the second power. Once both "kept up" abilities are used, the Jedi should continue to keep up these abilities from time-to-time. It is suggested that the Jedi concentrate to keep up the two or three powers every three posts no matter if those posts are action oriented or not.
It is heavily suggested that Jedi should not use two non-"kept up" powers at the same time. This is because these powers used at the same time will not have the strength that the powers normally do when used alone. The concentration usually used for one of the powers will be separated between the two desired powers making both attacks 1/2 less effective than normal. If a Jedi uses three non-"Kept up" powers at the same time all three of the powers would be weaker. Each power used in this way would be 2/3 less effective than if normally used as a solo attack.

Losing Concentration

Keeping concentration not only takes a great amount of energy, it also takes a great deal of focus which can be broken. Once a Jedi, Dark Jedi or Sith "gathers" the Force, his or her concentration can break or can lose the currently used power(s) if he or she: is damaged, heavily distracted or knocked out. Once the connection to the use of the ability is destroyed via distraction, the power(s) are instantly unavailable to continue to use if they are "kept up". If the power is non-"kept up", is not completed.
If the Jedi, Dark Jedi or Sith is damaged he or she loses both concentration and the current abilities he or she was activating before. He or she must then re-concentrate in order to be one with the Force. (Note: The damage should be heavy and give off enough pain to cause the character to lose concentration because of it.)
If the Jedi, Dark Jedi or Sith is knocked out all effects including "kept up" abilities instantly discontinue and the concentration is lost until he or she can wake from unconsciousness to re-concentrate.

Force Power Difficulty

Certain Force abilities are more difficult than others and need more concentration. There are six levels of difficulty: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very Difficult, and Heroic. Jedi padawan learners are able to do Very Easy and Easy abilities with little problems but have difficulty using the Moderate and Difficult ones. Jedi Knights can use the Moderate and Difficult powers but struggle with powers above those levels. The powers that are Very Difficult to Heroic should be used by the most experienced Jedi like Masters.

May the Force be with you."
-Han Solo; Qui-Gon Jinn

Sophistication vs. Amateurishness

Skill and experience is a major factor when determining just whom a character should face in a battle or spar. The wisdom and experience of a Jedi master would be quiet a handful for an upcoming Sith apprentice to challenge. Thus any powers the Sith apprentice did towards the Jedi master could be easily avoided. The Jedi's skill far reaches beyond the Sith apprentice's. The opposite would be true if the Jedi master decided to dim the Sith's senses. The Sith apprentice would have a very hard time resisting the Jedi masters attempt and even if the apprentice was able to resist the ability, his or her senses would still be slightly dimmed.
If a Jedi Knight challenged a Dark Jedi master and the Dark Jedi used Telekinesis against the Jedi in attempt to thrust him up against the far wall, even if the Jedi Knight used Force of Will to resist such move, the Dark Jedi master's power is stronger than the Knights causing him to lose footing from the Telekinesis.

"All too easy."
-Darth Vader


The Force is strong within its servants. It gives them the knowledge and power that they could not get in any other way. It gives them the wisdom of the Universe and protects them from invasion or attack. This is so even in a Force-sensitive without any training. Because the Force resides so heavily in the Jedi, Dark Jedi, Sith and Force-sensitives, such Jedi mind tricks as Affect Mind will not have any affect with those individuals. However, those without the Force as their ally, will be subject for such attacks and will not be able to resist or even know that they are being affected.

"The Force can have a powerful influence on the weak-minded."

"Your mind powers will not work on me, boy." [In Huttese]
-Jabba the Hutt

Shared Abilities

Some Force abilities cannot be used by certain types of Force users. The Codex takes particular notice to these in the discriptions of the abilities. Unless otherwise noted, Jedi, Dark Jedi and Sith can use almost all of the abilities taking into account that they have experience, not hindered by species/beliefs/knowledge/Force Skills/etc. The abilities with an * by them are Sith abilities that can still be used by Jedi but of course the Jedi will more than likely be enfluenced by the dark side. Sith and Dark Jedi are not bound to only Sith/Dark Jedi abilities. They can still use others as long as those abilities are not for Jedi only. The same goes for Jedi. In order to use the Sith abilities, the Jedi would have to be fully knowledgeable of those abilities. Most likely a Jedi will not be for he or she will not take time to learn those abilities.

Perilous Ahead

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